
We at Xtreme Strategy Games are committed to making your job easier. Our flexible licensing terms reflect this philosophy.

All our licenses are ROYALTY FREE and include free product updates, and email support.

If you have any questions about product pricing or licensing contact us at .

To request an evaluation copy of the Northstar SDK, please fill out the evaluation form.

Northstar SDK one product, single platform license

  • Northstar library
  • TestBench, an MFC application that serves as a working example of how to setup and use Northstar library. Source code included.
  • 12 months of email support
  • 12 months of product upgrades
  • Product documentation


Northstar SDK one product, single platform license with source code

  • All of the above plus
  • Northstar library source code
  • 12 months of Northstar SDK library source code updates


Licenses can be extended in 12 month increments at the following rates:

Northstar SDK one product, single platform license


Northstar SDK one product, single platform license with source code


We understand that everybody's situation is different. If you do not see a licensing option that fits your needs, contact us and we will work with you.